Sistemas de calibracion

Sistema di calibrazione

Brüel & Kjær fornisce sistemi di calibrazione ad ampio raggio per l'intera catena di misura, garantendo l'accreditamento e la tracciabilità adeguati e fornendo qualità di misura in tutti i trasduttori acustici e di vibrazione.

Our calibration solutions meet the broad variety of needs for calibration in the field of sound and vibration– accurate primary and secondary calibration of measuring equipment and the scope of transducers: accelerometers and microphones.

Turnkey calibration systems include instructions on screen, generation of certificates, uncertainty budgets – we can modify standard systems to suit your specific requirements, and integrate the instruments you have already acquired.

We supply both turnkey systems and customised calibration systems complete with uncertainty calculations and detailed instructions. We also do on-site training in general or specific aspects of calibration.