Trasduttori di forza

What is a Force Transducer
  • Type 8230-002

    TYPE 8230-002

    Traduttore di forza DeltaTron, 2.2 mV/N

    Progettato per misurazioni dinamiche, statiche di breve durata e misure della forza d'impatto.

    • Sensitivity : 2.2 (10) mV/N (mV/lbf)
    • Range full scale : +2000 / -2000 (+500 / 500) N (lbf) N (lbf)
    • Maximum force :
    • Maximum compression : +4400 (+10,000) N (lbf) N (lbf)
    • Maximum tension : -2200 (-500) N (lbf) N (lbf)
  • Type 8230-003

    TYPE 8230-003

    Traduttore di forza DeltaTron, 0.22 mV/N

    Progettato per misurazioni dinamiche, statiche di breve durata e misure della forza d'impatto.

    • Sensitivity : 0,2mV/N
    • Range full scale : +22000/-22000N
    • Maximum force :
    • Maximum compression : 66000N
    • Maximum tension : -2200N
  • Force transducer Type 8231-C

    TYPE 8231-C

    Carica del trasduttore di forza, trazione da 2,2 kN a un intervallo di compressione di 100 kN, cavo escl.

    Progettato per misurazioni dinamiche, statiche di breve durata e forza d'impatto e viene in genere utilizzato nelle misurazioni di forza con forze di compressione eccessive o in cui è necessaria un'ampia gamma di compressione

    • Sensitivity : N/A
    • Range full scale : 111205 (25000)N
    • Maximum force :
    • Maximum compression : 268000N
    • Maximum tension : -4448N
  • Type 8230-001

    TYPE 8230-001

    Traduttore di forza DeltaTron, 22 mV/N

    Progettato per misurazioni dinamiche, statiche di breve durata e misure della forza d'impatto.

    • Sensitivity : 22 mV/N
    • Range full scale : +220/-220N
    • Maximum force :
    • Maximum compression : 4400N
    • Maximum tension : -2200N
  • Force transducer Type 8001

    TYPE 8001

    Testa di impedenza, battuta piattaforma UNF 10-32

    Progettato per essere utilizzato su una vasta gamma di strutture, tra cui pale del rotore, polimeri, gomme, il corpo umano, mastoidi artificiali, frutta, saldature, legno e pannelli metallici

    • Sensitivity :
    • Range full scale :
    • Maximum force :
    • Maximum compression : 2000N
    • Maximum tension : 300N
  • 8230

    TYPE 8230

    Trasduttore di forza IEPE, 110 mV/N

    Progettato per misurazioni dinamiche, statiche di breve durata e misure della forza d'impatto.

    • Sensitivity : 110 mV/N
    • Range full scale : +44/-44 N
    • Maximum force :
    • Maximum compression : 880N
    • Maximum tension :


Piezoelectric Force Transducers

Brüel & Kjær force transducers provide integral electronics designed for dynamic, short-duration static and impact force measurements. The transducers are typically used for measuring applied forces in modal applications. As an example, they are inserted between an exciter and a test structure, or as a for general-purpose instrument to measure force within process applications.

The ultimate goal of using a force sensor is to measure the input force of an accelerometer (or laser velocity transducer), in test scenarios where you want to measure the impulse, or impact force response of a structure.


The transducers work on the piezoelectric effect of quartz. When stressed, or compressed, this provides an electrical charge proportional to the compressing force. The charge is converted to a low-impedance voltage output and the sensitivity is therefore expressed in terms of voltage per unit force (mV/N).

The housing material is stainless steel giving a very stiff and rigid construction. The transducers are mounted using the 28 UNF tapped holes on the top and bottom of the body, and feature a 10 - 32 UNF side connector.

Calibration of the Force Sensitivity

The transducers are supplied with an individual calibration of the force sensitivity.

The transducer is mounted on the test structure so that the force to be measured is transmitted through the transducer. When used with an exciter, the transducer signal can be used to measure and control the applied force. The frequency response function of the test structure can then be measured and analysed using a stationary or hand-held dual-channel analyzer. 

As an example, the force sensitivity for the transducer family type 8230 is listed below: 

  • Type 8230 has a sensitivity of 110 mV/N (500 mV/lbf).
  • Type 8230-001 has a sensitivity of 22 mV/N (100 mV/lbf).
  • Type 8230-002 has a sensitivity of 2.2 mV/N (10 mV/lbf).
  • Type 8230-003 has a sensitivity of 0.2 mV/N (1 mV/lbf).


For further details or questions in regard to specific sensor types, specifications and price, please get in touch with your local Brüel & Kjær sales representative.