Linear and digital switching Power AMPLIFIERS
Our range of power amplifiers specifically designed to drive our range of modal- and measurement exciters, and our powerful and reliable digital and linear switching amplifiers designed for our range of LDS shaker systems. With power output ranging from 75 VA up to 280 kVA, our power amplifiers provide performance and reliable vibration testing guaranteed regardless of scale, and across a wide range of testing applications.
放大器系列用于驱动小振动台和和测量激励器。 最大功率输出从75到1250 VA。
LDS线性数字开关放大器用于驱动LDS振动台以及第三方设备,其功率等级至少为8.9 N(2 lbf),用于振动测试和其他应用。 强大而节能,可提供高达280 kVA的功率输出。