Medium-force shakers
LDS V830
An air-cooled electrodynamic shaker designed for vibration and mechanical shock testing of medium-sized articles, such as automotive components and electronic assemblies. It can support payloads up to 160 kg (353 lb) and deliver maximum forces of 9.81 kN (2205 lbf).
LDS V850
An air-cooled, electrodynamic shaker built for vibration and mechanical shock tests of medium-sized payloads up to 350 kg (770 lb), such as automotive components and other types of electronic assemblies. It has maximum force ratings up to 22.2 kN (5000 lbf).
LDS V875
An air-cooled electrodynamic shaker used in R&D for vibration and shock testing of medium-to-large payloads up to 600 kg (1323 lb), such as satellite components, automobile parts, electronic assemblies, and military hardware. Maximum forces of 35.6 kN (8000 lbf).
Medium-force Air-Cooled shaker
An air-cooled electrodynamic shaker used for vibration and mechanical shock testing of medium-to-large payloads up to 600 kg (1323 lb), such as automobile parts, rocket and satellite components, and electronic assemblies. It has a long stroke and peak force ratings of 35.6 kN (8000 lbf).
LDS V8750
Un agitatore elettrodinamico raffreddato ad aria utilizzato nella ricerca e sviluppo e nella produzione per prove di vibrazioni e urti meccanici di carichi utili medio-grandi fino a 600 kg (1323 libbre) di serie, come le batterie dei veicoli elettrici e ibridi. Ha una forza nominale di picco di 35,6 kN (8000 lbf).
LDS V8800
Un sistema shaker raffreddato ad aria per i test vibrazionali e degli urti meccanici con eccitazione sinusoidale, casuale o transitoria. Per carichi utili fino a 700 kg (1540 lb), come nei test su batterie di veicoli elettrici (EV) e moduli, nanosatelliti, satelliti e componenti, oppure test di durata dei componenti e dei sottosistemi. Con una forza nominale di picco di 59 kN (13,250 lbf) e una forza d’urto fino a 175 kN (39,340 lbf).
An air-cooled electrodynamic shaker for vibration and mechanical shock testing of large payloads up to 700 kg (1540 lb), such as complete battery assemblies for hybrid vehicles, satellite components, and military electronics and hardware. It has peak sine force ratings of 57.8 kN (13,000 lbf).