Head and Torso Simulators (HATS)

Designed to measure and improve performance and accuracy of telecom and smart devices, our Head and Torso Simulators (HATS) comply with the high requirements and standards for speech recognition. Our simulators accurately match the characteristics of a human voice sound-field, and gives reproducible measurement results ensuring product performance and customers satisfaction.

High-Frequency HATS Type 5128

Capable of both issuing voice commands and measuring smart speaker response (full frequency range up to 20 kHz) makes fully automated testing of smart speakers and other voice operated devices possible.

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  • Type 5128 - High-frequency head and torso simulator


    Progettato per test elettroacustici realistici per smartphone, cuffie con e senza microfono, dispositivi per audio conferenza, microfoni, apparecchi acustici, protezioni acustiche e casse collegate.

  • Head And Torso Simulator Type 4128-D

    TYPE 4128-D

    Head and Torso Simulator (HATS) With handset positioner

    Designed to be used in-situ electroacoustics tests on, for example, telephone handsets, headsets, audio conference devices, microphones, headphones, hearing aids, hearing protectors and smart speakers. Includes Handset Positioner Type 4606 for accurate positioning of telephone handsets.

  • Head And Torso Simulator 4128-C

    TYPE 4128-C

    Head and Torso Simulator (HATS)

    Designed to be used for in situ electroacoustics tests on, for example, telephone handsets, headsets, audio conference devices, microphones, headphones, hearing aids, hearing protectors and smart speakers.

  • HATS Type 4100

    TYPE 4100

    Sound Quality Head and Torso Simulator

    Manikin designed for recording in-vehicle noise for sound quality evaluation and testing. Also used for sound optimisation of consumer appliances, office equipment, power tools, marine equipment and heavy machinery.

  • Pinnae for HATS (Head And Torso Simulator)

    DZ-9769 + DZ-9770

    Symmetrical pinnae for Head and Torso Simulator

    These symmetrical pinnae comply with ITU-T Rec. P.58, IEC 60318-7 and ANSI S3.36-1985, including testing of headphones and hearing protectors as well as measurements on telephones, hands-free communication devices and hearing aids.

  • Pinnae for HATS (Head And Torso Simulator)

    DZ-9773 and DZ-9774

    Pinnae with tapered ear canal

    Pinnae with tapered ear canal enable easy mounting of earbuds on our Head and Torso Simulator (HATS). With a slightly modified ear canal entrance, the shape of the pinnae is conically merged with a cylinder, making it easy to seal earbuds during tests.