Five Questions for Niels-Jørgen

Born on the Danish island of Bornholm, Niels-Jørgen Jacobsen is Brüel & Kjær’s Product Manager for Structural Dynamics. This Wagner aficionado is also a self-confessed foodie with a dream of starting his own winery. He also runs marathons, believing that good health is synonymous with a good life.

"It’s all about passion and dedication

What attracted you to Brüel & Kjær?

When I studied engineering, my main interests were acoustics and digital signal processing. There was no doubt in my mind that Brüel & Kjær was the place to work.

What drives you in your work?

Educating people in the fascinating world of sound and vibration, and working with passionate, inspirational people to create outstanding solutions, which help our customers fulfil their goals. Strong customer interaction is essential to me.

Who do you admire most?

Highly efficient workflows
– from test planning to final report.


Visionaries who motivate and guide others to create outstanding results and generous people who invest not only money, but also time, to make life better for others.

What are the future challenges?

Due to the fast increase in new emerging technologies, the risk of disruption is inevitable. As a company – and individual – it is essential to possess the skills and willingness to constantly change to counter these challenges.

If you had all the money and time in the world, what would you do?

I would set myself an ambitious physical goal such as completing a Triple Iron Man – yes, there is such a thing. But according to my wife, I will never leave Brüel & Kjær.