What attracted you to Brüel & Kjær?
When I joined Brüel & Kjær 14 years ago, I was attracted to the diversity in day-to-day activity.
What drives you in your work?
I have compassion for our customers because I used to be a regular user of sound and vibration software. Improving customer experience is what continues to drive me and was the inspiration behind the development of BK Connect.
What is the best advice you’ve been given?
You can only change yourself, not others.
If you could have two super powers, what would they be and why?
I would like to fly because there are so many places in the world I want to see. And I would love to control the weather. I don’t like it too hot or too cold and I am not a big fan of the rain.
What are you passionate about?
I want to make memories. I want to be doing things so when I look back on my life, I feel like I have lived all I can.
* Daniel Hudson Burnham (1846 – 1912), American architect and urban planner.
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