Electrostatic Actuators
Electrostatic actuators are designed to simulate the pressure response of condenser microphones. Oscillating electrostatic force is exerted in front of the microphone diaphragm, providing the consequent response of the microphone. By applying an oscillating electrostatic force - sweeping over a frequency range from 100 Hz to 200 kHz - the pressure response can be tested.
Electrostatic actuator for 1/2‐inch microphones
Electrostatic Actuator For Surface Microphone
The construction of the Electrostatic Actuator allows for the calibration of surface microphone Types 4948 and 4949, even when the microphone is mounted in Mounting Flange UA-1640.
Electrostatic actuator for 1‐inch microphones
Electrostatic Actuator For 1/4" Microphone
Electrostatic actuator and adaptor for 1/4‐inch microphones in use with our 1/2" Electrostatic Actuator Type UA‐0033.
Adaptor ½' To ¼' For Type 4961
1/2‐inch adaptor for calibration of Type 4961