Situated in Skanderborg at Dynaudio’s headquarters, this €4 m investment by GoerTek* provides 50 audio engineers with a fantastic playground for developing the future reproduction of sound and includes some of the most advanced measurement facilities in Europe.
At the core of the facility is the impressive 13 m × 13 m × 13 m measurement chamber, which includes two massive, robotic arms – one for elevating and rotating the loudspeaker under test, and the other, a 7 m wide, semicircle array of 31 Brüel & Kjær microphones for measuring the sound at numerous angles.
The chamber serves to measure the direct sound from the loudspeaker, eliminating reflections from the walls by means of a time-gating technique. By turning the loudspeaker in a series of steps around the centre of the 31-microphone array, the full pattern of the speaker is quickly obtained.
As Jan Abild-gaard Pedersen, Dynaudio’s CTO says, “Something that would previously have taken us three days can now be done in an hour”.
A large part of Dynaudio’s success is due to its production of speakers for Bugatti and Volkswagen. That is why the facility also houses a garage/workshop full of cars where engineers can fine tune, fiddle with and perfect the loudspeaker driver technology for Volkswagen.
With two listening rooms (30 and 60 m2 respectively), project rooms and meeting rooms making up the rest of the facility, Dynaudio has created a space and atmosphere that will not only inspire innovation, but will also ultimately result in a shorter path from ideas to finished products.
* In 2014, the majority of shares in Dynaudio were acquired by Chinese Audio Company “GoerTek”, which employs approximately 42,000.
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