Sound Sources And Amplifiers
A sound source that fulfills the standards for building acoustic measurements is required for professional use. Brüel & Kjær offers a complete range of sound sources for room and building acoustics, including our Tapping Machine, and 12-speaker omnidirectional OmniPower™ Sound Source. The sound sources are ideal with our range of Power Amplifiers and provide a flexible setup for any acoustic task with features such as wireless signal transmission for unhindered measurement range and flexibility.
TYPE 4292-L
Source sonore omnidirectionnelle haute puissance - OmniPower Sound Source
Source dodécaédrique pour l'isolation et la mesure de l'acoustique des salles.
HBK 4250
Wideband Volume Velocity Sources
Ready to use Volume Velocity Sources incorporating special <br>two-microphone design for precise, in situ measurement of volume velocity in real time. Suitable for a range of acoustic environments from enclosed condition close to tyres or engine components, or open conditions some distance from a reflecting surface
Type 2755
Amplificateur de puissance intelligent
Un amplificateur de puissance puissant, compact et léger avec générateur de signal intégré et fonctionnalités de commande à distance wireless HBK 2755 est idéal pour l'acoustique des salles et des bâtiments, ainsi que les mesures de contribution de la source (SPC) via pilotage des sources sonores HBK.
Type 2735
A compact, highperformance, 2 × 35 W power amplifier designed for electroacoustic and general-purpose applications.
Type 3207
Tapping Machine / Impact Sound Source
Tapping Machine Type 3207 is an impact sound generator for measuring impact sound levels. The generator uses five hammers each weighing 500 g and operating at 2 Hz dropping from a height of 40 mm, giving an operating frequency of 10 Hz.
Type 4720
Echo Speech Source quickly and easily performs speech intelligibility measurements in accordance with IEC 60268-16.
Type 4204
Reference Sound Source is optimized for measuring room and building acoustics. It is also useful in the field of building acoustics to determine the sound absorption and sound insulation of a room.