
Generator For 200 V Microphone

Front panel designed for use with Microphones requiring 200 V External Polarization, providing four input channels and up to two generator output channels.

견적 요청하기

Frontpanel UA-3102-041 is for use with LAN-XI Light DAQ Module Type 3677-A-041 with four input channels and one generator
output channel.

If you need two generator output channels, Frontpanel UA-3102-042 is 
designed for use with LAN-XI Module Type 3160-A-042, and provodes four input channels and two generator outputs.


  • Microphones requiring 200 V external polarization
  • General purpose sound and vibration measurements
  • Direct voltage
  • CCLD accelerometers
  • DC responding accelerometers
  • CCLD microphones
  • CCLD tacho probes
Front panel Compatible LAN-XI modules
UA-3102-042 Type 3160-A-042
UA-3102-041 Type 3677
