To deliver quality sound, it is essential to analyze the sound produced and captured during R&D. A multitude of parameters are critical to authentic sound reproduction
New electroacoustic devices such as mobile phones, tablets, and speakers, keep pushing the boundaries of design. The latest smartphone must squeeze in ever-more impressive capabilities to compete in a crowded market, and fulfill international telephone standards for voice capture and reproduction. And whether customers want open-backed headphones or flat frequency response speakers, manufacturers need to deliver the quality of sound that buyers expect, as promised by the brand.
Engineering quality sound reproduction
To deliver quality sound, it is essential to analyze the sound produced and captured during R&D. A multitude of parameters are critical to authentic sound reproduction. These include distortion, frequency response, and directivity. Since finding the right balance can require many tests, automation, data correlation, and ease of use help ensure productive electroacoustic testing.
Simulating real-life phone use
Behind the scenes of a simple telephone call, a multitude of processes are at work to make it effortless. To eliminate background noise while isolating the caller’s voice – even while the phone is on a table – smartphones use multiple microphones and sophisticated algorithms. Testing capabilities like these require precision measurement equipment. And most test parameters demand versatile analysis systems with sophisticated data management.
Telephone standards testing
Modern communication devices, smartphones and Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) terminals must meet many national and international regulations, plus those set by network operators. This enables equipment to communicate efficiently with similar devices around the world. The regulations define their minimum performance quality abilities, such as the speed at which they switch between speaking and receiving, and their speech intelligibility. The methods used to test these parameters are laid out in great detail in a multitude of standards, which our software incorporates and guides users through to ensure that nothing is overlooked. These standards include ITU-T, ETSI, 3GPP, etc.
전화 헤드셋 및 핸드셋 테스트
모바일 장치든지 유선 전화든지 전화 음향 성능은 최종 사용자의 수락이나 국제 및 국내 표준의 준수 모두에서 가장 중요합니다.
핸즈프리 장치 테스트 테스트
차량 오디오, 통신 시스템, 화상회의 전화, 노트북 VoIP 기술과 같은 핸즈프리 통신 장치의 음향학적 성능을 평가할 때 주변 상황뿐 아니라 머리와 몸의 음향학적 영향을 고려하는 것이 중요합니다.
헤드폰 테스트
1970년대 후반 Sony Walkman® 출시 후 오디오 성능과 헤드폰 또는 이어폰이 있는 휴대용 장치는 흔해졌습니다.
보청기 테스트
보청기를 개발할 때 우수한 청각 재생 및 문제 없는 의사소통을 고려하면서 테스트, 벤치마크, 품질 관리가 가능하고 제품 디자인을 증가시키는 시스템이 필요합니다.
확성기 테스트
확성기와 엔터테인먼트 시스템은 어디에서든지 찾아볼 수 있습니다.
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