80〜289. kNの定格力を持つLDS空冷式および水冷式動電型加振機です。
Medium-force LDS Shakers
Our medium-force LDS shakers are air-cooled electrodynamic shakers with force ratings from 9.81 to 57.8 kN (2205 to (13,000 lbf).
Low-Force LDS Shakers
Our range of low-force LDS Shakers are air-cooled electrodynamic shakers with force ratings from 940 N to 5.12 kN (1150 to (211 lbf).
Permanent Magnet Shakers
Our range of LDS permanent magnet shakers are intended for vibration testing of small components and for modal and structural analyses, providing a force ratings from 8.9 to 489 N (2 to 110 lbf).
Shaker Equipment / Slip Tables
Shaker equipment such as slip tables, or vibration test tables, head expanders, and thermal barriers, built to provide enhanced vibration testing capabilities of our medium to high-force vibration shakers.