Vibration, Shock and Acoustics in the Aerospace Industry
Department of Aerospace Science and Technology
The Department of Aerospace Science and Technology (DCTA) is the Brazilian national military research centre for aviation and space flight. Noise and vibration testing play a vital role in many phases of its operations and DCTA benefits from HBK Brüel & Kjær’s complete measurement solutions. They have a large installed base of HBK Brüel & Kjær products, ranging from shakers for environmental and structural testing, noise and vibration sensors for a wealth of applications from rugged flight- testing to highly sophisticated laboratory use, multichannel data acquisition and analysis platforms, and an enormous range of noise, vibration and shock software application packages.
In this video, we will take you behind the scenes where you will learn more about:
- The reason why vibration and acoustics are so important to the success of aerospace missions.
- DCTA’s Impressive range of HBK Brüel & Kjær solutions
- Separation tests using shock response and modal analysis
- Launcher firing tests using operational modal analysis, OMA
- Launcher transportation test using vibration durability testing and OMA
- Component testing using vibration shakers
- Missile firing tests using OMA
HBK Expert Talk 모든 에피소드
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