Zubehör für Elektroakustik

Zubehör für Elektroakustik bei Brüel & Kjær wie Plattenspielersystem, Mobilteilpositionierer, Ersatzteile, Schalldichte Testbox, Autositzbefestigung und viele mehr.

  • Car seat fixture


    Car seat fixture for HATS

    Designed to hold Head And Torso Simulators Types 4100 or 4128 in any car seat

  • WQ-2701


    Heavy duty tripod for HATS

    WQ-2701 - Heavy duty tripod for HATS

  • Handset Positioner Type 4606 for HATS

    TYPE 4606

    Handset positioner

    Allows accurate and repeatable mounting of telephone handsets on HATS in both standardized and user-defined positions.

  • 4234 open

    TYPE 4232

    Anechoic test box

    Designed to produce an exact acoustic replicate of an electric input signal and to exclude all external noise when performing measurements on hearing aids and mircophones

  • Telephone Test Head Type 4602

    TYPE 4602

    Telephone test head

    Designed for accurate positioning of telephone handsets, mobile telephones and cordless telephones relative to the mouth simulator and the artificial ear, enabling standardized measurements

  • Type 9640-a-001 Turntable system

    TYPE 9640-A-001

    High Precision Turntable System

    Designed to rotate a test object, such as a loudspeaker, a microphone, a hydrophone, a television, or any kind of telecommunication or conferencing device