TYPE 9719

High-pressure Calibration System

Designed for the level linearity and harmonic distortion of measurement microphones and pressure sensors.

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A high-pressure calibration system for determining the level linearity and harmonic distortion of measurement microphones and pressure sensors. The system, Type 9719, applies a specially designed high-pressure, low distortion measurement chamber that can generate very high sound pressure levels.

The output signal of the microphone under test is compared to the output of a high-pressure microphone mounted in the measurement chamber, while the sound pressure is increased in steps of 1dB or more, until the desired sound pressure level is reached. The rms, negative peak and positive peak values and the distortion are recorded for each level step. The maximum sound pressure level of the system is 171dB rms.


  • Level linearity calibration of microphones, pressure sensors and sound level meters
  • Linearity calibration from medium to high pressure levels
  • Harmonic distortion measurements


  • Linearity calibration by comparison with high-pressure monitor microphone (IEC 61094-5)
  • Determination of 2nd, 3rd and total harmonic distortion
  • Calibration levels from 94dB to 171dB rms (14µBar to 0.1Bar peak) @ 500Hz
  • Distortion of the high-pressure sound source is max 0.5% @ 171dB rms level
  • Fast, automated measurement, printing of calibration certificate and data export to Excel
  • Detailed operator instructions