CAE Model Testing
Brüel & Kjær NVH Simulation technology is now part of
Brüel & Kjær noise, vibration and harshness (NVH) simulation software is now available to automotive designers as a module, Insight+ in Altair HyperWorks CAE design software.
Traditionally, CAE NVH data and results have been presented as plots, graphs and numbers. But noise and vibration must be experienced to fully comprehend its effects on vehicle occupants. And in today's competitive automotive industry, it is crucial to quickly and accurately evaluate this data.
Experience CAE models
Insight+ enables the total experience of NVH data ‐ creating sounds directly from CAE models that NVH engineers can listen to and experience. The CAE model data can be combined with test data to create an immersive, realistic environment.
By enabling NVH engineers to calculate, listen to, and modify individual contributions (both airborne and structure‐borne), Insight+ also assists with design and validation of program NVH targets.
This gives you:
- vastly superior understanding of NVH CAE results
- effortless communication of the meaning of the results to decision makers
- faster decisions with more confidence than ever before possible
- Evaluation of CAE analysis results (transfer functions and operating conditions) for airborne or structure‐borne paths, calculated by any source path contribution method
- Listen to and modify contributions, sources, paths
- Evaluation of design alternatives and their effects
- Efficient use of test and CAE data together
- Understand NVH contributions early in the design process
- Auralization of proposed engineering changes in the correct context
- Sharing and developing ideas between NVH test and CAE engineers
- Easy upgrade to the full PULSE NVH Desktop Simulator Type 8601 program. Can be used in the full Desktop Simulator program, with the same functionality
Insight+ allows designers to experience NVH data subjectively in fixed driving conditions. But this is just the entry point to Brüel & Kjær’s NVH simulation tools, where simulation data can be experienced in increased context.
The next stage in Brüel & Kjær’s simulation portfolio is the desktop NVH simulator. Designer and manager alike can drive vehicle models in a realistic, interactive environment using a steering wheel and pedals, letting them evaluate designs in free driving conditions.
Note: Insight+ is only available through Altair's partner programme. Non-HyperWorks customers can get the same funcationalty through Insight Type 8601-S and DTS CAE Auditioner Type 8601-X.
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