Measurement Partner Suite
Measurement Partner Suite (MPS) is our intuitive sound measurement software for post-processing on your PC.
Request PriceMeasurement Partner Suite (MPS) is Brüel & Kjær’s state-of-the-art data viewing and post-processing toolbox for environmental noise and vibration professionals. It comes with all Type 2270, 2250 and 2250-L instruments.
The standard configuration is free.
- Data archive, preview and export
- Post-process and export to other formats
- Online data display and remote access and operation
- Sound level meter software maintenance
- Support of ISO 1996-2:2007 uncertainty calculation
- Turnkey support of British, French and German environmental legislation
- Detailed data view
- Import, archive, display and export data
- Overview of archives and users
- Resumable downloads
- View GPS coordinates in Google Maps™
- Advanced support of .WAV files
Purchase a license to access full MPS functionality, including:
- Playback of .WAV files associated with markers
- Tone, impulse and exceedance analysis
- Individual octave band profiles
- Scheduled data download
- Post‐weighting spectra
- Calculator function (including background noise correction)
- Tone assessment (1/3‐octave, FFT)
- Convert 1/3‐octave to 1/1‐octave spectra
- Convert FFT to 1/3‐octave spectra
- Post‐process .WAV files (scale, cut and join recordings)
- FFT‐based tone analysis of .WAV files
- Export of any portion of a .WAV file (logging profile)
Measurement Partner Suite offers two licencing methods for users wishing to access licenced post‐processing functionality:
- A licence that is locked to the serial number of a specific a Type 2250, 2250 Light or 2270, allowing data from that instrument to be post-processed
- A licence that is locked to a PC dongle allowing data from any instrument to be post-processed