vehicle pass-by noise Software

To help reduce traffic noise, regulators set pass-by noise limits for each type of ground vehicle that must be met before a vehicle is allowed on public roads. Whether you are performing a pass-by noise test outdoors on an ISO-compliant test track, or indoors on a chassis dynamometer in a large hemi-anechoic chamber, our user-friendly pass-by software with built-in standards and regulations covers the full range of drive-by testing. Our indoor pass-by software connects directly to the outdoor pass-by noise database to enable tyre noise correction for type approval in compliance with the ISO 362-3 standard.

  • Indoor pass-by viewer


    Pass-by viewer

    BK Connect® Pass-by Viewer for easy inspection of results during the test and post process.

  • Indoor pass-by software


    Indoor Pass-by software

    BK Connect® Indoor Pass-by for setup and performance of measurements simulating pass-by noise on a chassis dynamometer in a hemi-anechoic chamber.

  • source-path-contribution-1


    Pass-by Source Path Contribution

    BK Connect® Pass-by SPC helps you investigate the contribution of noise sources such as tyres, engine/motor, exhaust, to the overall pass-by noise.

  • Volume velocity source

    TYPE 8442 | BK CONNECT

    Volume Velocity Source Measurements

    Volume Velocity Source Measurement Software is part of BK Connect and is designed for quick and easy measurement of acoustic transfer functions.

  • car pass-by outdoor

    TYPE 7788

    Outdoor vehicle pass-by noise software

    For making field pass-by noise tests to ISO standards, and correlating exterior noise with sound sources measured on the vehicle.