
12 Channel Charge Input Front Panel

Designed to allow up to 12 charge type transducers to be connected directly to the LAN-XI frontend.

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The UA-2116-120 allows up to 12 charge type transducers to be connected directly to the LAN-Xi front end, simplifying the setup and the performance.


  • Charge type transducers: Accelerometers, pressure sensors, hydrophones
  • Combustion pressure monitoring on up to 12-cylinder engines
  • High channel count charge accelerometer applications

Ideal for high channel-count charge accelerometer applications and in power train applications. It is ideal for combustion pressure monitoring on up to 12-cylinder engines. 

The charge input front has 12 integrated charge amplifiers each with a fixed gain of 0dB (-1mV/pC) and a fixed High-Pass Filter of 0.1Hz. Setting up the fronts in PULSE works in the same way as using an external -2647.

Built-in LEDs shows input status such as overload. It has 12 x 10-32UNF(F) microdot connectors. 

Front panel    Compatible LAN-XI module
UA-2116-120 Type 3053-B-120